A comprehensive
approach to
Fertility & Pregnancy
Scientific, evidence-based protocols
News //
TEDx Dun Laoghaire 2019
It was an honour to be selected for the recent TEDx Dun Laoghaire event.
My talk was entitled 'Infertility-the hidden struggle',
Click here to view the full talk.

Conceiving naturally over 40
Yes it is possible to conceive naturally over 40! In this article two of my patients were interviewed, who had conceived naturally over 40 after following the bespoke protocols I had outlined for them.
For the full article, click here.

The Guilt Free Gourmet //
This book was inspired by my patient's requests for healthy recipes that didn't compromise on taste.
We should be able to enjoy our food while also improving our health, the two should not have to be mutually exclusive.I don't recommend extreme detox diets, counting points or calories, just a modern take on traditional recipes using alternative, nutritious ingredients to improve overall health and fertility.
For more on how diet can affect reproductive health, click here to see my interview on Ireland AM last year, discussing the best foods for fertility and pregnancy and how to recover from miscarriage.
Click the image below for the my latest interview, on superfoods to enjoy during each stage of pregnancy.