The truth about 'diet' food products
Recently, I have seen a number of patients with something in common, other than their fertility issues,... a love of fizzy drinks. These...

Fertility superfoods-fact or fiction?
Learn the truth about fertility superfoods and herbs and what really makes the difference to your fertility

Is there such thing as a 'normal' period?
This is one of the most common questions that I get asked by women trying to conceive and it is a topic that sparks much confusion and...

The 'Perfect' Diet Myth
Lately, I've started to wonder if the discussion of food has become more of a taboo topic than even religion or politics. Debating the...

Is Epigenetics the future of medicine?
Up until fairly recently it was believed that our genetic code was set in stone and that there was nothing we could do about the hand we...

The truth about Folic Acid
Like most women who are trying to conceive or who are already pregnant you are probably very familiar with folic acid and the important...

The 'all or nothing' approach to diet and lifestyle
So often when I see patients in clinic they inform me that they can't understand why they are having trouble losing weight and improving...
Healthy eating doesn't need to be boring!
In this short promo video that my brother and I did when we launched the Guilt Free Gourmet cook book you will get a sneak peek of some...